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FreedomTruth Redpill

The Invitation is Real

Reading Time: 3 minutes


This world is a mess, society is a mess, and we are a mess. Is there a remedy that offers any real hope? Yes! Jesus invites all people to come to Him. His reason is simple: He is the only remedy. No one else can defeat the evil that has infected everything. No one else can heal the extreme wounds evil has caused. We desperately need Him.


Do you ever feel like your soul has an itch that you just can't scratch? You experience life and wonder "Is this all there is? Life seems disappointing." Your soul wants more for a reason! There is more! This life is a vapor. You chase money, but then what? You take a lover, but then what? You have a career, but then what? These things are not wrong, but they were never meant to be your identity. They were never meant to be your satisfaction. You live 80 to 90 years, but then what? Everything you build up will pass away. Hear the words of Jesus:


"Whoever lives life for themselves will lose it, but whoever gives their life to Me will find it." (Jesus, Matthew 16:25)


Living life for ourselves makes our souls hungry and thirsty. As our Creator, Jesus knows and understands our deepest needs. He says:


"Anyone who is thirsty can come to Me and drink. Whoever believes in Me will have rivers of living water (God's Spirit) flowing inside of them, as the scriptures have promised." (Jesus, John 7:37-38)


"I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to Me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in Me will never be thirsty." (Jesus, John 6:35) 


He's not talking about physical food and drink. Jesus quenches our soul's thirst and heals our brokenness. Through Him, we find life here and forever. Satan will lie to you and say, “Jesus is only for good people. He only wants religious people.” That is a lie straight from hell. Jesus came for the rebels and the guilty. Whether your sin is secret and hidden, or openly obvious for all to see:  Jesus came for you.


If you are a human being, no matter your sex, age, or race…


Whether you're a convicted felon or a law-abiding citizen…


Whether you're rich or poor...


Whether you’re a mother or you've had an abortion…


Whether you’re unemployed or a successful business owner…


Whether you're divorced, single, or married…


Whether you're non-religious or attend church…


Whether you're homosexual, bisexual, or straight…


Whether you're an addict or clean…


Whether you're transgender, cisgender, or agender…


Whether you're a Democrat, a Republican, or an Independent…


Whether you're Antifa or MAGA…


… Jesus invites you to come to Him. Do you get the point? I cannot emphasize this enough, so I will shout it out: 




JESUS DIED FOR YOU! The Bible says:


“He was wounded for your transgressions. He was crushed for your iniquities. He paid the penalty, so peace could be available to you. By His wounds, you are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5)

Jesus Died for You

Stop looking at other people. Stop thinking, “Well, at least I’m not as bad as them.” We are all rebels. We have all fallen short. We all need forgiveness. Thankfully, Jesus came to save us from sin and death. He came to save you.


Satan will lie to you. Satan will tell you that you are unwanted and Jesus just wants to hurt you. Religious people hating on sinners doesn’t help much. Thankfully, religious people don’t represent Jesus. Please ignore the lies of Satan and see Jesus, the Son of God, suffering and bleeding-out on a cross for you. This is true love. A person doesn’t die for someone they hate.


Jesus says, “Come to Me”. He invites you to come. To find out how, please click here.


A Warning to “Good” People


You may have a successful business, a college education, and a healthy marriage with a happy family. You may be a member of a country club and play golf every Saturday. You may be mentally strong and physically disciplined. You may have a high opinion of yourself.


If you think you are good, be very careful! Jesus gave many warnings to people like you. In one warning, He said this:  “Truly I tell you, sinners and prostitutes will enter the Kingdom of God before you do.” 


Why would Jesus say this? It’s very simple:  good people don’t think they need a savior, so they don’t seek Jesus. 


If I think I’m a good person, why would I seek God’s forgiveness? If I think I’m strong on my own, why would I seek God’s help and strength? If I think I have life all figured out, why do I need Jesus?


This is one of Satan’s strategies to deceive and blind people. If he can convince you that you are good, strong, wise, and successful on your own – he knows he can keep you from seeking Jesus. On the other hand, people who know they have screwed up… people who recognize they are weak... people who know they need help… they are much more likely to reach out to Jesus.


If you feel you are strong on your own, watch out! You need Jesus just as badly as the “sinners” do. The Bible makes it very clear you are a sinner just like everyone else. Stop comparing yourself to other people. Instead, humble yourself and come to Jesus.

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